

Lake houses part 2-3

2014. június 27. - Zsiraf1201
 Didn't get inside this house as the owner wasn't in, just his dog...anyway, it didn't look that interesting. And the lake was pretty faraway. 
Asking price 49.000.000 HUF (app. €163.000)

From Siofok continued to Fonyod.

The agent didn't get the key to this house and the owner was busy, so just had a look outside and that actually already told a lot.

Asking price 40.000.000 HUF (€133.000)

Not so open houses this time!

Lake Houses part 1

 On the previous day made a trip to Lake Balaton in Hungary to check the houses there as a friend of mine is looking for a house to buy. There are lots of houses for sale - the variety is pretty wide and so is the price range as well. The criteria that my friend and her family had: nice view to the lake, spacious garden, 3 bedrooms, rather a fixer upper to make it for their own taste.
Well, I will show you some of the houses...and then tell which one they chose. 

No view.
Small garden.
In a good chap but the chosen materials...

Asking price 45.000.000 HUF (app. €150.000)

PS. there will be several houses, so, please, don't get bored of them! 

Almost Natural

 There's definitely something about nude-coloured nails, but I can't help feeling that they look a bit boring, even though fresh and clean. Usually I choose bright or dark shades, but change is good also in the nail polish color. 

Lumene's Natural Code Angry Bird collection has a slightly shimmering palest pink polish. 

Happy Feet

Vichy's reconditioning care for dry feet is very creamy and good for night. There's no scent in it so there's no feeling good factor in it. Even though it's not a luxury product it's very effective.

Crabtree & Evelyn's reviving leg and foot mist is easy to spray on at any time during the day for tired legs, especially when the weather is hot and both feet & legs are swollen. The scent is invigorating and fresh. 
Have to admit that the Kiehl's Cross-Terrain "Dry Run' Foot Cream  is not my favorite. That's probably because I used it for wrong purposes. It's a cooling cream that helps to keep feet dry for example while running. I used it to soften the skin, and for that  the texture is tip light.

Mother Nature's Refreshing Foot Cream by Finnish Frantsila Organics is a rich cream for tired feet & legs. The texture is pleasant with a herbal scent. I applied it only for feet but it is good also for varicose veins. That I need to remember as I have frequently serious cramps in my legs.
Body Shop's Peppermint Cooling foot lotion is my all-time favorite. It's refreshing, easily and quickly absorbing lotion, which I like to use in the mornings. After applying it I put soft slippers on for a moment (while having my breakfast) and sock and/or shoes as I step out.

My Weekend Outfit

 Well, this photo session really made me laugh. I tried to take outfit pics of myself... by adjusting my camera to take a snapshot after 5 seconds. Instead of taking one pic after 5 sec it took 5 pics, and the pics are so blurry probably because I couldn't find the right focus point on the blank wall. Some lessons in photographing wouldn't be a bad idea!

Ups, I should have stayed still as the camera kept shooting...

Anyway, I wanted to show this outfit as it's so comfy and I love everything which has soft fleece-lining, feels loose and soft on. Almost my whole wardrobe is based on that criteria.

Cos pants
A&F top
A&F hoody

ps. I promise I'll keep practicing taking photos of my outfits by myself :)

Night Of Museums

 Last night it was the night of the museums in Budapest, meaning the museums were open till 2am and with a 1.500huf (less than €5) wristband you could enter to all the museums in the city. Had a long list of the interesting museums where wanted to visit, but there were so much programs and plenty to see already on Andrassy út, so didn't get any longer than that... (and I'm living next to Andrassy út!)

Exhibitios, concerts, dance shows, fashion shows...

The Toulouse-Lautrec exhibition in the Museum of Fine Arts is absolutely worth to see! It will be on till 24. August.

Henry Toulouse-Lautrec made a scarce lithograph of the American Clara Ward, Princesse de Caraman-Chimay and Hungarian violinist Rigó Jancsi in 1897, "Idylle Princière".

Btw, there's a cake called Rigo Jancsi as well. I will come back to that later.

 Have you ever tasted this Hungarian delicacy?

 It's called 'langos' and made of salty donut with sour cream, onion and crated cheese on top. People tend to like it. Not my kind of snack though. 

Next weekend there will be Night Run including not only running but zumba, salsa, nordic walking... starting at 10pm and lasting until 4am.

Midsummer Eve!

In Hungary this is just another Friday, not a day to celebrate the Midsummer Eve like in Finland. On my way back home from my morning jogging I just had to buy a few punches of these very summer-ish flowers - perfect for celebrating Midsummer.

 It would be great to take it easy today and read some poets...

... or relax in the balcony and browse some inspirational interior magazines, but I will work today - actually feeling very happy for that!

Beautiful Midsummer Eve to everyone!


Hekku Hues of Black-blogista antoi haasteen. Koska haaste tuli suomeksi, päätin vastata siihen samalla kielellä. Haaste sisältää viisi erilaista aihealuetta, joista tulee listata omat suosikit.

Säännöt ovat seuraavat:
Haastaja kertoo sinulle viisi aihetta
Haastetun tulee kertoa top5-listansa jokaiseen aiheeseen
Haastetun on keksittävät uudet 5 aihetta
Haaste on annettava viidelle eri blogille (ei takaisin haastamista)

1. Ketkä taiteilijat tai mitkä teokset ovat liikuttaneet sinua erityisesti?
Aika vaikea, liikutun helposti ja usein. Varsinaisia suosikkitaiteilijoita tai teoksia minulla ei ole, mutta mainittakoon tässä ne viimeisimmät, jotka ovat jollain tapaan liikuttaneet.
Kirjoista kiinalaisen Jung Changin elämäkerrallinen Villijoutsenet ja Riikka Pulkkisen Totta.

Riikka Ala-Harjan Maihinnousu liikutti itseasiassa aikalailla.

Leffoista Alice Rohrwacherin esikoisteos Corpo Celeste, myös Maria Blomin Hallå Hallå, vaikka onkin komediallinen.

Maalaustaiteessa minua kiehtovat abstraktiset maalaukset enemmän kuin  selkeät kuvat, mutta Frick museon loistavat kokoelmat pysäyttivät. Se värien käyttö ja yksityiskohtien tarkka maalaus 1600- ja 1700-luvulla oli avan uskomatonta. Pehmeät sametit ja suhisevat silkit pystyy aistimaan samoin kuin auringon säteet.

Musiikissa Puccinin oopperat tehoavat aina. Musiikkia kuunnellessa sanat ovat yleensä minulle yhdentekeviä. Olen kuunnellut Metallicaa 80-luvulta asti, mutta minulla ei ole hajuakaan mistä Master of Puppets kertoo, tai no, muutama värssy siitä biisistä on tosin jäänyt mieleen, mutta noin yleisesti ottaen sanat ovat yhdentekeviä, sävel on se mikä koskettaa. Poikkeuksena tästä on Kotiteollisuuden biisien sanat. En ole mikään Hynysen fani, mutta miehen tekstit ovat  aivan mielettömiä, uskomattoman syvällisiä.


Tanssitaiteessa koskettaa sekä klassinen baletti että modernitanssi. Voiko joku katsoa Joutsenlammen ilman kyyneleitä? Pähkinänsärkijän pas de deux'ssa meikit valuvat takuu varmasti. Royal Opera Housen Raven Girlissä yhdistyi upeasti klassinen ja moderni tanssi.

PS. Ja kyllä mua aina nämä Katja Tukiaisen reippaat tytöt liikuttavat.

2. Lempihuulipunasi?
No, nyt tuli vähän kevyempää! Kylppäristä löytyy aikamoinen arsenaali huulipunia. Tykkään kirkkaista väreistä ja haluaisin meikata huulet joka päivä kuten Pupulandian Jenni, mutta nykyään useimmiten pelkkä väritön Vitalis riittää. Cliniquen Chubby stickit, erityisesti sävyt Chunky Cherry, Oversized Orange ja Super Strawberry. Helppo levittää suoraan puikosta ja värejä voi sekoitella keskenään. Kanadalaisen Biten huulipunia löytyy meikkilaatikosta vain yksi samoin kuin yksi saman merkin kiilto. Ne ovat orgaanisia ja ekologisia eikä niissä ole käytetty mitään mitä ei voisi syödä. 

3. Suosikkifarkkumerkkisi?
Oli pakko käydä katsomassa vaatehuoneessa mitä merkkejä sieltä löytyy...30 paria löytyi näin äkkiseltään ja merkkejä laidasta laitaan HenkkaMaukasta Pradaan. Suosikeiksi nousevat tällä hetkellä Filippa K sekä Acnen ja Tommy Hilfigerin farkut. Uusimpia tulokkaita ovat Uniqlon parit pökät.

Jeans by Tommy Hilfiger

4.Bravuurisi keittiössä
Tota noin niin... Meillä mies hoiti ton kokkauspuolen 23 vuoden ajan, kunnes sitten katosi tonne Tallinnaan parempaan seuraan. Nyt on ollut pakko opetella tekemään muutakin kuin smootheja. Sanoisin, että erilaiset salaatit ovat bravuurejani. Seuraavaksi ajattelin kokeilla gaspachoa. Ruokakaupassa käynti ei oikein ole mun juttu, paitsi jos Whole Foods olisi kulman takana. Jos kutsuisin ystäviä kotiini syömään, kipaisisin hakemassa intialaista take-awayta...

Ihan ite tehty!

5. Lempiravintolani?
Vuosien varrella paras ruoka on kyllä ollut himassa, siis silloin ennen. Suomessa olen muutaman kerran käynyt Pastiksessa eikä ole tarvinnut pettyä. Balthazar ei koskaan ole jäänyt väliin New Yorkin reissuilla ja Miamissa South Beachin News Cafe on instituutti ja suosikki viikonlopun brekupaikkana. Lontoossa on kiva pistäytyä Spuntinossa. No nyt tulee mieleen vaikka mitä paikkoja Pariisista, Venetsiasta...

Entrance to Balthazar on Spring Street.

Sitten ne viisi uutta haastekysymystä:
1. Suosikki vaatemerkkisi?
2. Millainen olisi unelmiesi koti?
3. Mikä sinusta piti tulla isona?
4. Tuoksu, jota et unohda?
5. Suurin haaveesi?

Ja haaste menee Sara S:lle, Katzille New Yorkiin, Sofialle Itävaltaan, Maddelle ja Jennille.


Midsummer Night Film Festival 2014

This year's star in Sodankylä was absolutely Alice Rohrwacher, the young Italian  director and screenwriter. Her debut film "Corpo Celeste" and "The Wonders", which won the Cannes Grand Prix this year, were fantastic! And it's not only her films, but her lovely personality too. She's so sympathic!
Had the pleasure - by accident - travel from Rovaniemi to Sodankylä in the same car with her and also the German short film director Willy Hans and Russian film critic Boris Nelepo

As we passed the Santa Claus village at Arctic Circle she told that she's scared of Santa Claus. In her family it was a tradition that Santa Claus was a scary figure who chased the children out of the house and when they came back home the presents were there waiting for them.

This year there was only one film that made me cry and that was the Swedish comedy HallåHallå by Maria Blom. Finnish actress Maria Sid played the part of the main character Disa. Even though it was a kind of comedy and there were moments for laugh, it was pretty heavy. These are the pics of Maria Sid introducing the film, but after the film she was crying too and she told that it wasn't an easy film for an actress either. There were strong lines with full of deep meaning to say throughout the whole film.

Other good films that saw in Sodankylä:

Romanian Andrei Gruzninscky: Quod erat demonstratum 
Italian Roberto Rossellini: Voyage to Italy
Serbian Emir Kusturica: When father was away on business
Swedish Victor Sjöström: The Outlaw and his wife
Swedish Ingmar Bergman: Wild strawberries
African Mahamat Saleh Haroun: Dry season
Polish Pawel Pawlikowski: Last resort 

 The food was actually pretty good this year. Both in Sodankylä hotel and in Päivin Kammari.
Icy cranberries with hot caramel sauce, yummy!

Rovaniemi airport

The weather was a typical Lappish weather - not too warm, but with properly dressed not too cold either. Note: you needed a pair of Ugg, warm jacket (windproof/down), gloves...

Next year it will be the 30th anniversary of the festival!

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