

Autumn In Budapest

2014. október 17. - Zsiraf1201

The temperature during the days arises well above 20C degrees - yesterday it was almost 30C.The mornings & nights are already pretty cool. Here're some pics I took early this morning on the streets of Budapest.Tässä muutama kuva aamuisesta Budapestista. Päivät ovat vielä todella lämpimiä,…


Busy Weekend In Budapest

A week ago the weekend in Budapest was rather busy as there were Chocolate Festival up on the Castle Hill, Meat & Game festival at Vajdahunyadi Castle and National Gallop at Hősök tér. It was probably also the last warm summer days for this year...Viikko sitten Budapestissa oli jos jonkinlaista…


Demolishing Work In Budapest

The huge office  block on Margit körút on Buda side in Budapest is almost totally demolished. In the place of this former Economy Ministry a park will be created. This building was even uglier than  Kallion virastotalo in Helsinki... Before I heard that there will be a new park I was sure they…


On The Way To...

 If you are on your way to Porvoo from Helsinki, don't miss Kulloo!There's a golf course and next to it Kulloon Kartano/Kullo Gård/Kullo Mansion, where a fantastic "Butiken på landet" boutique is located. There's also cottage accommodation available.  Butiken på landet concept stores are…


Budapest: Kodály Körönd

 Kodály Körönd in Budapest in 1903. Same square on Andrássy út in July 2014.One of the four buildings at Kodaly Körönd was on fire on Tuesday July 15. The fire fighting was going on still on Wednesday. The icons building is part of the UNESCO World Heritage site. Only the lower level…

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