

Clean-Up Day

2014. szeptember 08. - Zsiraf1201
It was again the time of the year in 6. district in Budapest when you can empty your closets straight to the streets and recycle all old stuff. It always surprises me how much stuff people are collecting and keeping at their homes. Every year the piles are enormous. 

This clean-up is called "lomtalanítás" in Hungarian and it's organized by the local government on a certain date which they give you a week or so in advance and the next day a municipal truck will come and collect the crap. Usually not much is left at that time as people tend to find something useful for themselves in these trash piles.

This whole idea is fantastic. You can finally have space in your flat for a new table or sofa which you have been longing for. 

Another thing that comes with this "lomtalanítás" are the gipsies. They arrive a night before parking their vans nearby, bringing a chair and plenty of food and waiting the show to be started. Every family has their own strict territory to be the first ones to pick the 'valuable' items that the residents are throwing away. Sometimes it's fun to watch them on duty from my balcony.

The car is packed.

And off he goes!

He found what he needed. Now waiting for a lift.

Just checking if there's something useful.

Oli taas se aika vuodesta 6. kaupunginosassa Budapestissa, kun kadulle sai heittää kaikki suuremmat roskat nurkista pois. Tätä siivouspäivää kutsutaan unkariksi nimellä "lomtalanítás". Noin viikko etukäteen kaupunginosan viranomaisilta tulee kirje, jossa kerrotaan minä päivänä tämä rskapäivä järjestetään ja sitä seuraavana päivänä saapuu roska-auto, joka kerää jäljelle jäävät romut. Siinä vaiheessa ei enää kovin paljon rojua ole jäljellä, sillä kasat hupenevat nopeasti kierrätykseen. Aina löytyy jotain hyödyllistä jollekin!

Idea on kaiken kaikkiaan fantastinen. Sen kun heivaat vanhan nojatuolin kadulle ja sotat tilalle sen  pitkään haluamasi uuden tuolin tai sohvan.

Tähän prosessiin liittyy myös harmiton, mutta erikoinen lieveilmiö. Nimittäin mustalaiset valloittavat kaupunginosasi.  Heitä saapuu perheittäin autolla jo edellisenä iltana mukanaan tuolit ja kassit täynnä eväitä odottamaan. Jokaisella on omat tarkat reviirinsä ja samantien kun asukkaat alkavat kipata kamojaan kadulle, alkaa penkominen ja jyvät erotellaan akanoista. 
Melko hauskaa suerattavaa omalta parvekkeelta!

You can click here and here to see piles of the previous years....

Freedom Opera Gala

Part of the Andrássy út was closed yesterday. Obviously something was going to happened there. Loads of chairs and a stage was built in the front of the Opera House.

Not sure if it was rehearsal or just for fun for the passers-by. Very entertaining anyway!

Seems like everything is ready for the evening.

It was exactly 25 years ago since Hungary opened its borders and allowed tens of thousands of East Germans to escape. This event was remembered by the Freedom Opera Gala featuring Anja Kampe, Piotr Beczala, Ferrccio Furlanetto and internationally acclaimed Hungarian soprano, Andrea Rost. Beside the four special guest stars, young singers and conductors of several European nations appeared on stage to sing of freedom and famous ensembles. 

The programme:

1. Kodály: Dances of Galánta 
2. Beethoven: Fidelio - Leonore's aria (Anja KAMPE)
3. Beethoven: Fidelio - Choir of prisoners (Hungarian State Opera Choir)
4. Verdi: Un ballo in maschera - Riccardo's Aria, act III (Piotr BECZAŁA)
5. Tchaikovsky: Onegin - Gremin's Aria (Ferruccio FURLANETTO)
6. Verdi: Rigoletto - Quartet (Péter BALCZÓ, Alena KROPACKOVA, Tomasz KUMIĘGA, Zita SZEMERE; conducted by Patrick HAHN)
7. Erkel: Bánk bán - Melinda's Aria from act II (Andrea ROST)
8. Verdi: Don Carlo - Duet (Piotr BECZAŁA, Mihály KÁLMÁNDI)
9. Verdi: Don Carlo - Duet (Ferruccio FURLANETTO, Mihály KÁLMÁNDI)
10. Wagner: Tristan und Isolde - Liebestod / Eagling: Duet (Anja KAMPE, Lili FELMÉRY, Evgeny LAGUNOV)
11. Verdi: Nabucco - Choir of slaves (Hungarian State Opera Choir)
12. Verdi: Nabucco - Pray of Zacharias (Ferruccio FURLANETTO)
13. Lehár: Giuditta - "Freund, das Leben ist?" (Piotr BECZAŁA)
14. Lehár: Die lustige Witwe - Vilja song (Andrea ROST)
15. Verdi: Falstaff - Fugue (Péter BALCZÓ, Mojca BITENC, Géza GÁBOR, Tamás KÓBOR, Leon KOŠAVIĆ, Nikos KOTENIDIS, Zoltán MEGYESI, Gemma NÍ BHRIAIN, Violette POLCHI, Sara ROSSINI; conducted by Pierre DUMOUSSAUD)

The happening was supposed to start at 8pm. Light rain showers started at around 7pm and a couple of minutes after 8pm, it was announced that the whole gala will be moved inside the opera house... you can imagine the massive amount of people rushing inside! Couldn't handle it, so skipped the occasion. Anyway the atmosphere would have been totally different inside, I guess. Probably took at least another hour to organize everything ready again and don't think the light installation show took place at all.

There was supposed to be fireworks afterwards, as i was already fasten sleep didn't see nor hear anything. 

Osa Andrássy út:a oli eilen suljettu ja oopperan edustalle oli rakennettu esiintymislava ja aseteltu mieletön määrä tuoleja. Illalla klo 20 oli määrä alkaa Freedom Opera Gala. Oli kulunut 25 vuotta siitä, kun Unkari aukaisi rajat kymmenille tuhansille itäsaksalaisille. Gala järjestettiin tapahtuman muistoksi ja esiintyjälistalta löytyi mm. Unkarin ylpeys sopraano Andra Rost. 
Taivaalta alkoi ripotella pieniä kuuroja siinä seitsemän aikaan illalla ja muutaman minuutin yli klo 20, jolloin konsertin piti alkaa, ilmoitettiin, että se siirretäänkin oopperan sisätiloihin... Arvaahan sen, että siitä syntyi massiivinen kaaoksenomainen ryntäys. Päätin jättää väliin. Tunnelma sisällä tuskin oli sama kuin mitä se olisi ollut ulkona upeine valoinstallaatioineen. Toivotaan, että kaikki meni hyvin ja ilta oli onnistunut.
Galan lopuksi taivaalle lähetettyjä ilotulitusraketteja en nähnyt enkä kuullut, sillä olin siihenaikaan jo kotona syvässä unessa.

A New Cafe?

 That Bernard Maupin cafe on Andrássy út looks so nice!
 Oh, it's just a film setting!  
Budapest is a popular and great venue for film makers due to its colorful and varied architecture plus the qualified and competitively priced staff. In manx cases Budapest plaza a role (like Buenos Aires, Berlin or Moscow), in other cases it portrays itself. 

Here's a list of the top 10 movies made in Budapest:
1. A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
2. The Raven (2012)
3. World War Z (2013)
4. Underworld (2003)
5. Evita (1996)
6. Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)
7. The Rite (2011)
8. I Spy (2002)
9. Red Heat (1988)
10. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)

Back to normal!
There used to be Lukács Café, but it was closed already some time ago.

Budapest toimii lavasteena monille elokuville. Eri puolilla kaupunkia näkee filmausryhmiä vähän väliä ja katuja on suljettu milloin missäkin. Silloin tällöin kaupunki esittää esim. Moskovaa, Berliinia ja jopa Buenos Airesia. Andrássy útin kiinno oleva kahvila muutettiin tilapäisesti houkuttelevaksi patisserieksi.

White Geranium

I've been spritzing this in every room!

The White Company's White Geranium Room spray is a summer scent with serene floral notes. White Geranium combines the relaxing herb notes of soothing lavender and tranquil eucalyptus with warmth of aromatic geranium and the pretty mix of soft rose and thyme. So it's not too sweet, but rather refreshing and recharging.

ps. it's been raining in Budapest all day, but now it has finally stopped and the city is ready for the annual massive fireworks of Szent Istvan's Day at 9pm!


There are several Vapianos in Budapest - at least one in the city center, one in Westend shopping mall and one in Mom Park shopping mall. The concept is based on self-service - you get a credit card type of card, go to the food stalls, choose what you want to eat and drink and show your card. 

The variety is actually pretty good, not only pizza and pasta as I first thought. Everything is prepared when you make the order so there's nothing standing there for hours. My favorite is - surprise, surprise - Caesar salad with or without chicken, both goes. The portion is not too small not too huge and the ingredients are fresh and you can see while they prepare it. 
When you are leaving the place you go to the cashier at the entrance, show the given card and pay what it shows. 

Easy and fast - well, not so fast if you're there at lunch time... but easy anyway. 

Budapest Bike

If you've been to Budapest this summer you must have seen these bright green bikes everywhere around the city, perhaps not in use but in the bicycle pits. 
I was so happy when I first saw that one of the pits is just next to my home, but not so happy as I haven't been able to rent any bike. You need to register at Mol gas station before you can rent a bike, but it's not possible to register any more... A thousand or so were allowed to register and test the bikes... Probably in October a new registration period will start so until that no bicycle. 

City bike is a great idea - i hope the test period goes well and I could finally rent one for myself.

Blue Dress

 One of ,y favorite dresses is this ark blue jersey dress. Feels like pajama! So comfy.
Oh, please, ignore my suffered feet - running, not-so-comfy sandals etc.
I know I could accessorize it much better - that's unfortunately not my strongest side.

dress - Gap
sunglasses - Prada

Lavender Nails

My this week's choice was lavender nails. Actually the name of this Max Factors's Max Effect nail polish is #34  'Juicy Plum'. The color doesn't look so plummy to me. 
Didn't want to add any glitter on it as the nails polish gives such  a gorgeous glossiness to the nails. 

Max Factor #34 Juicy Plum 
Last time wore this color I called it Lilac...

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